"Sticks and stones might break our bones, but words will never hurt me..." is clearly untrue!
We have all been wounded by other's words or silences.
Neuroscience shows us that our brains can change, heal and grow at any age. Being listened to and spoken to with warmth and curiosity helps us be understood and known - to heal.
Using specific phrases, metaphors and acknowledgement can help our brain heal from emotional wounds and traumas.
To experience deep resonance, and find a kinder and calmer brain...
Are you feeling curious and would like to get more information about my Alexander Technique, Family Constellations and Resonant Healing sessions?
Send an email lucy@lucyascham.com or use the contact form.
Alternatively, you can book your free 15-minute consultation and ask me any questions directly.
Book a day and time on my online booking system to suit your schedule and let's have a chat and see how to get you the support you need.
Alexander Technique teacher
Systemic Constellations facilitator
Resonant Healing practitioner
in Sheffield & Hathersage UK
and Zoom Worldwide
Click below to start a WhatsApp chat with Lucy.