
The Alexander Technique

Resolving Pain by Restoring Posture

The Alexander Technique is not a treatment, although it does have much therapeutic value. It is not posture training, though it does have many benefits to how you sit, stand and move.  It is not relaxation training, though it may well rebalance and calm your nervous system.  

So what is it?  

Simply a series of thoughts to put you back in charge of what goes on in your coordination and movement patterns.  We are not doing this directly – no sitting up straight, no shoulders back and down as you might expect.  

Here we are working indirectly – choosing thoughts which encourage the natural, healthy alignment of the spine, the free movement in all the joints, and the most efficient use of tension and tone in your muscles, according to whatever activity you are doing.  We learn to trust our body’s natural wisdom to sort out the details, whilst we feed it the thoughts which encourage and promote this overall coordination.


Come and find out what the Alexander Technique really is, what it can do for you and how you can learn to use it with immediate effect.  People find it helps them become more aware, improves balance and breathing, and puts you back in charge of your thoughts, movements and coordination.  

I share this work hands-on in individual sessions / lessons in Sheffield S11 and in Bodywise, Manchester M4.  I use a unique guiding touch to restore harmony to your brain, nervous system and body – all together.  I have developed ways to successfully work online using the same principles, systems and discoveries, so geography is not a limit.

Monthly Constructive Rest Online Classes

During these online workshops, you’ll have a chance to see just how much your thoughts affect your body and movements and learn some thoughts, which should be helpful in any circumstance. Within these 30 minute sessions, we will practice the constructive thinking applied to resting consciously to integrate mind, body and emotions.

We meet each month on Zoom, you don’t need to have your camera on, and I guide you through the position of maximum rest for your spine, relaxed alertness, this ability to practice how to rest helps restore and balance stress and energy and sets you up brilliantly for the day ahead, whatever that might bring!

Curious to find out more?

Book your free, no-obligation 30-minute consultation call today

I offer one-to-one Alexander Technique sessions to help people notice and change the way they think and move for greater ease, less pain and more joy in everyday movements. If you’d like to book a consultation to identify the best approach for you, or book your first private session with me, please use my online booking tool or get in touch today, find a time and date to suit you, we can work in person in Sheffield or on Zoom from the comfort of your room.




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