My new leaflets have been printed. I’m delighted. After many weeks of wanting to create some but not knowing which step to take first, a friend who is doing a photography course offered to take some photos of me – at short notice – 10pm for the next morning. I said yes and texted a friend who said she would gladly come. Photo shoot number one completed in 1 hour and the best ones were sent to me via email that night.
I had tried to get some leaflets printed earlier in the year and two emails to the local printer/designer didn’t get answered. So I used the wonderful FB local business group to ask for recommendations for a Graphic Designer. I had 5 responses, looked at all their websites and followed up with 3 who all replied within 5 minutes. Overnight I narrowed my choices, made two phone calls and went with my choice of a designer who I realised I had seen a logo she’d done and liked that already. I connected with the questions she wanted to ask me and felt she understood what I was after.
I had done various bits of research on how to put together a leaflet on YouTube and taken some tips from that and written my copy and my offer. I knew I wanted a new logo, but didn’t think I was ready for that at this point. During the process, it was created. The strap line comes from a conversation I had with Dr Miriam Wohl.
The designer was very collaborative, she looked at my website, asked lots of questions and came up with a first draft. We agreed on draft 6 and sent it to a friend/client who had offered to get it printed at work as part payment for a lesson.

Voila! :
I realise this thumbnail doesn’t give exact text or detail, its an overview. See the colours, the outlines, the shape, the professional look of them.
Its been a lovely process of people offering to help, me being willing to receive, getting clear about how I wanted it to look, and asking for and receiving help in terms of what words and offers went on the leaflet. I love teamwork.
Thank you everyone!
Lucy Ascham is an Alexander Technique teacher who gives individual lessons in 2 venues in Sheffield and one in Manchester. She delights in offering fortnightly class and monthly workshops. She is Founder and Director of Teacher’s Renaissance Weekends, and the Yorkshire AT Summer School since 2015.